Herbal Wellness Monthly Classes in Driggs, ID 2025

Mountain Roots Education

1/12/25- Holiday Herbal Mocktail Party

2/16/25 -Ambrosia & Aphrodisia: Herbal Love Potions & Heart Tonics

3/09/25 - Wild Beauty: Herbal Skincare & Fresh Food Facials

4/21/25- Cyclical Wellness: Herbal Nourishment for The Menopausal Years

Go to www.mountainrootseducation.org to register for classes

Luminous Womb Wisdom 4Week Series of Somatic Embodiment @The Yoga Source in Driggs, ID 2025

Tending Personal Power & Navigating from Your Own Knowing

4 Saturdays 03/08- 03/29 5-6:30pm

Gather with other womben beings to tend the inner temple of the womb space, breathe and move the body to deepen connection with source knowing, and practice the arts and crafts of personal power and radiance.

As the world outside gets stormy and confusing, we must develop trust in our inner navigational knowing to light our way.

We will go deep into our individual experience and connect as a community of support. Each class will be a mix of new and review to build mastery with the practices.