my story
Steeped in the quiet world of plants and mountains; of flowing waters and shooting stars- I have always been in awe of the forces of nature, the ways they shape our animal bodies, and the deep medicine of simply being.
I traveled and lived in wilds around the world, studying ancient medicine & wisdom cultures, and learning from land & plants directly. I have been a practicing herbalist and bodyworker for over 20 years.
I love making medicine, sharing yoga and breathwork with community, and supporting all stages of transformation through ceremonial rites of passage.
On this website, I will be sharing my local event schedule & gathering some of my favorite offerings from herbal tea blends, tonics, and elixirs, to online classes and courses in Kundalini Yoga, Herbalism, and Women’s Mysteries.
May you find nourishment and delight on your unique path of Being Medicine.